Friday, June 13, 2008

I'm Back

I know you all have been sad, probably even devestated really, by the fact that I have taken an unintended hiatus from the blogging. This conversation I had with my sister early this week could probably explain things:

Me: Wow, my kids are CRA-ZAZY!! Why didn't I sign them up for thousands of dollars of camps and activities this summer? (By the way, the answer is because I am poor and lazy)

Sister: Yeah, the boys (she has 3 of them, aged 6 and under) are crazy too. Have you ever famtasized about what it would be like to have normal kids who sit still and color and read or watch TV?

Me: Every day . . . every day.

When your fantasies, both waking and sleeping involve calm children, this usually means that you need to take a break from blogging to get things under control . . . I took the break, but there still is no real control.

Anywho, I like to read. I like to escape from the grind and this is a safe, non-habit forming way to accomplish this. I read a lot. Here are two recent books I would like to recommend.

Selection #1

Come Back: A Mother and Daughter's Journey Through Hell and Back

Claire Fontaine and Mia Fontaine

Holy Cracker Jacks!!! This book is a must read for any mom who wants to feel like her kids are perfect. Or for any mom who wants to get ready for the worst possible 4 years you could spend with a teenage daughter. This is a memoir (it is the craziest true stuff I have read in a while) of a mother's struggle to help bring her daughter back from the clutches of drug addiction. Not many of you all reading this knew my mother, but if you did, this is the kind of stuff my mom would have done to save me from drugs and I knew it, which is why I never would have ever considered the idea of going there . . . a little depressing along the way but an uplifting ending makes it worth it. The only bad part, why won't they tell us what "prestigious east coast university" Mia went to?? And why do I care so much??

Selection #2

Bitter is the New Black

Jen Lancaster

My sister lent me this book and it is High-lar-i-ous! It is a memoir too (who said I lost all my brain cells from having these three kids??). Jen was a spoiled sorority girl living high on the hog during the internet boom who proceeds to lose it all. I know that doesn't sound that funny, but it is . . .and she is doosy . . . condescending, slightly stuck up, bad tempered and yet you still want to be her best friend. Check out her blog Very funny . . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome Back! I have been a devoted reader and I am very glad to see you posting again! Thanks for the reading ideas. How about "Life of Pi". Somewhat religious, about a boy stranded on a lifeboat with a live tiger. I keep going back and re-reading.

Holly Luther & gang